Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Money Matters (Unit 2 English File Intermediate NI 1)

Money-related Vocabulary (from Unit 2, English File)
lend = prestar
borrow = pedir prestado
loan = préstamo
mortgage = hipoteca
debt = deuda
debtor  = persona endeudada
inheritance = herencia
heir = heredero
take out money from the bank = withdraw (sacar, retirar dinero del banco
luxury items tax = impuesto de artículos de lujo
bargains = sales (chollos, gangas)

Sample sentences:
I can’t afford a new suit. = No puedo pagar un traje nuevo.
If you borrow money from your sister, you have to pay it back. = Si pides prestado dinero a tu hermana,  tienes que devolverlo.
Paper or plastic? = ¿(Quiere pagar) en efectivo o con tarjeta?
She’s quite frugal with her earnings. = Ella es bastante austere con lo que gana.

Other Expressions:
try on a hat = probar un sombrero
taste the food = probar la comida
try a new pen = probar nuevo boli
test the perfume = probar el perfume
try out a new car = probar un coche

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