Sunday, October 16, 2011

More CD answers for NI 2 students (tracks 6,7,8)

To the NI 2 students, here are the answers to the next three tracks on our first CD:

Track 6: 1-4 H,F,E,B (in any order), 5 A/ 6 A/ 7B / 8B/ 9A / 10B
Track 7: 1. Five / 2. 50%/ 3. 18 / 4. 14 / 5. In the first tutorial / 6. relevant / 7. (very) elegant / 8. not possible/ impossible / 9. excellent / 10. much better
Track 8: 1. B / 2. B / 3. B / 4. C / 5. B / 6. beyond their limits / 7. areas of industry / 8. 100

My thanks to Rafael, our CD guru, for the master sheets and prep time. You are a sage! -- David


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