Friday, October 21, 2011

CD Answers (Tracks 8/9/10)

ATTENTION: Students from NI2 

Here are the answers for tracks: 8, 9, 10 on the class listening CD:

Track eight: 1. B / 2. B / 3. B / 4. C / 5. B / 6. beyond the limits / areas of industry / 8. 100 vehicles / 9. collapsing / 10. work and scores 

Track nine: 1. 5 weeks / 2. have a party  / 3. September / 4. on holiday / 5. 2 weeks / 6. Saturday / 7. B / 8. C / 9. B / 10. A

Track  ten: 1. range / 2. the list / 3. catch him / 4. B / 5. C / 6. A / 7. B / 8. A / 9. C / 10. work and scores

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