The topic of leisure activities brought out lots of interesting vocabulary in our NI1 sessions
- Tiempo de ocio = leisure time (free time, spare time)
hacerse socio de un club = sign up for a club, join
mantenerse en forma = keeping fit
patinar sobre hielo = ice skating
practicar deporte = play sport (tennis, football)
bricolaje = DIY (do it yourself)
hacer ejercicio = do exercise
meterse en clases de spinning = take up spinning
abandonar clases = give up classes
dibujar = draw
jugador = player
arbitro = referee
cancha de tenis = tennis court
piscina = swimming pool
barco de vela = sailing-boat (yacht, ship)
campo de futbol = football pitch (UK) field (US)
coleccionista de sellos = stamp collector (philatelist)
natación = swimming
pesca = fishing
lucha libre = wrestling
boxeo = boxing
voley playa = beach volleyball
lectura = reading
patchwork = quilting
jardinería = gardening
caminar, senderismo = walking
hacer caminatas = hiking
escalar = climbing mountains
paracaidismo = sky-diving
playing the lute = tocar el laúd (o timple)
ciclismo = cycling
esnorkeling de tubo = snorkeling
buceo = scuba diving
ver la tele = watch TV
ir al cine = go to the cinema
esquiar = skiing
esqui acuatico = water skiing
snow boarding
surfismo = surfing
baile = dancing