Saturday, May 28, 2011

Haciendo música /Making Music

In 1989, I spent a day with the Spanish singer/songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat who kindly reviewed his career with me. I was researching a book and his insights were crucial to my work. In one candid moment, he confided that he said how lucky he was to have made his living (and a very good living at that) singing, recording and performing around the world. I thought of Serrat this week as I toured my county singing with midgets in many local elementary schools. It struck me how lucky I am NOT to make my living through music but to do it for fun wherever I am invited. (now in Spanish.....)

En 1989, pasé un día con Joan Manuel Serrat (en foto) en su estudio en la calle barcelonesa de Tusset. Sus recuerdos de la Transición fueron muy útiles para mi libro sobre Aute (Puentepalo 2003). Durante la entrevista, Serrat habló de la tremenda suerte que tenía por haber podido vivir de la música, dando vueltas por el planeta cantando, sobre todo en América Latina. Esta semana tuve la suerte de cantar en algunos colegios de mi zona para niños de 3, 4 y hasta 9 años. Me considero tremendamente afortunado de NO tener q vivir de la música, sino tocar y cantar donde me inviten. Por aquí, cerca de casa.


Pedro said...

Is that picture a Tapies?

David Shea said...

I think so!